Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry
Laser Scanning
Laser scanning is a technology that uses laser beams to capture highly accurate, detailed 3D data of physical objects or environments. The process typically involves using a laser scanner that emits laser light, measures how long it takes for the light to reflect back, and then uses this information to create a 3D point cloud. This point cloud is made up of millions (sometimes even billions) of points that represent the surface of the scanned object or environment.
We use a Trimble X7 scanner to scan buildings both inside and out. The resulting point cloud can then be used to produce floor plans, elevations and cross sections in a level of detail that would not be economically possible using more traditional techniques. The ability of a scanner to capture large amounts of detail very quickly makes this technique ideal for situations where the survey time must be kept to a minimum, such as commercial kitchens, residential homes, busy offices etc.
Photogrammetry is a technique that uses photographs to create detailed 3D models of objects, structures, buildings and topography. When surveying building elevations, photogrammetry is often a preferred alternative to laser scanning, particularly for tall buildings or those with hidden details that cannot necessarily be seen from ground level. The use of a drone to capture the photographs means that these hidden details can all be surveyed to produce a complete 3d model. When used with surveyed control points and a good quality camera, a high degree of accuracy can be obtained that can match the output of a laser scanner. The image on the right is a cm accurate ortho photograph taken from a 3d model created using photogrammetry.